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Get the list of customer orders published to the queue. You can filter on processed or non-processed.


  • Method: GET
  • Content Type: application/json
  • URL:


  • access_key : your unqiue api key provided by GSS.
  • site_id : which site you are requesting action for.


packingslipnostringcomma separated list of packing slip numbers to apply filter on.
createdfromstringUTC formatted date and time to filter the shipments on. This field is for earliest date.
createdtostringUTC formatted date and time to filter the shipments on. This field is for latest date.
excludecompletedstringtrue/false - when true excludes all completed packing slip and only returns pending orders.
pageintegerwhen multi pages of results are available specifies which page to get.
pagesizeintegerhow many records to return per page. Default = 100 records.
includeProductsbooleantrue/false - when true, each customer order record will also include the product lines associated with the record.

Return format

A JSON Object of available carriers.

Root Object

Pageintegerindex of the page of all results.
pagesizeintegerhow many records to return per page.
Pagesintegerhow many pages of results are available.
Resultsobject listlist of customer orders.

Request example

curl --location '' \
--header 'access_key;' \
--header 'site_id;' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8'

Response example

    "Page": 1,
    "PageSize": 100,
    "Pages": 6,
    "Results": [
            "packingslipno": "SSORDER13667",
            "consignee": "LITTLE LAMB",
            "address1": "",
            "address2": "103 HAVENWOOD PLACE",
            "suburb": "BIRKENHEAD",
            "city": "NORTH SHORE CITY",
            "postcode": "0626",
            "country": "NZ",
            "delvref": "SSORDER13667",
            "delvinstructions": "A5SHEET X 1  A5 X 1",
            "contactname": "BROOKES STONE",
            "contactphone": "021 123456",
            "email": "",
            "isrural": null,
            "notrural": null,
            "costcentre": null,
            "status": {
                "Status": "DELIVERED",
                "ticketnumber": "SSPOT018162",
                "trackingurl": "",
                "Picked": "2016-02-22T15:31:21",
                "Delivered": "2016-02-23T12:46:45",
                "manualticket": true
            "products": [
                    "productcode": "ABC",
                    "description": "WALL PAINT",
                    "units": 1,
                    "unitvalue": 10,
                    "countryofManufacture": "",
                    "unitkg": 1,
                    "imageurl": null,
                    "currency": "NZD",
                    "alreadySent": 0,
                    "fulfilledQty": 1,
                    "linetotal": 10
            "customField1Value": "example1",
            "customField2Value": "example2"
            "packingslipno": "SSORDER13668",
            "consignee": "ROCK ON",
            "address1": "",
            "address2": "226 STEWART ROAD",
            "suburb": "RAMARAMA",
            "city": "AUCKLAND",
            "postcode": "2579",
            "country": "NZ",
            "delvref": "SSORDER13668",
            "delvinstructions": "A5 X 2  A4 X 5  OVERNIGHT X 2",
            "contactname": "ALBERT",
            "contactphone": "021212563",
            "email": "",
            "isrural": null,
            "notrural": null,
            "costcentre": null,
            "status": {
                "Status": "DELIVERED",
                "ticketnumber": "SSPOT018161",
                "trackingurl": "",
                "Picked": "2016-02-22T15:31:21",
                "Delivered": "2016-02-24T08:42:22",
                "manualticket": true
            "products": [
                    "productcode": "ABC",
                    "description": "WALL PAINT",
                    "units": 1,
                    "unitvalue": 10,
                    "countryofManufacture": "",
                    "unitkg": 1,
                    "imageurl": null,
                    "currency": "NZD",
                    "alreadySent": 0,
                    "fulfilledQty": 1,
                    "linetotal": 10
            "packingslipno": "SSORDER13669",
            "consignee": "PREMIUM BLUE LTD",
            "address1": "5C",
            "address2": "102 ELLICE RD",
            "suburb": "GLENFIELD",
            "city": "NORTH SHORE CITY",
            "postcode": "0629",
            "country": "NZ",
            "delvref": "SSORDER13669",
            "delvinstructions": "A4 X 1  A2 X 1  OVERNIGHT X 1",
            "contactname": "ANDREW BURNS",
            "contactphone": "09 444 2131",
            "email": "",
            "isrural": null,
            "notrural": null,
            "costcentre": null,
            "status": {
                "Status": "DELIVERED",
                "ticketnumber": "SSPOT018160",
                "trackingurl": "",
                "Picked": "2016-02-25T15:24:10",
                "Delivered": "2016-02-26T08:11:14",
                "manualticket": true
            "products": [
                    "productcode": "ABC",
                    "description": "WALL PAINT",
                    "units": 1,
                    "unitvalue": 10,
                    "countryofManufacture": "",
                    "unitkg": 1,
                    "imageurl": null,
                    "currency": "NZD",
                    "alreadySent": 0,
                    "fulfilledQty": 1,
                    "linetotal": 10
Last update: