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Customer Orders Model

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Customer Orders Model

packingslipnostringUnique order number or packing slip number from your system.
consigneestringReceipient name.
address1stringAddress line 1, street number.
address2stringAddress line 2, street name.
suburbstringSuburb name.
citystringCity name or state name. Depending on destination country, if state information is available, this should be the abbreviated state code
postcodestringPost code, for NZ addresses, this can be left blank if unknown.
countrystringISO Alpha 2 country code, eg NZ, AU, US, UK, CN.
delvrefstringOrder number, or customer reference for this order.
delvinstructionsstringAny specific instructions to be printed on the label.
contactnamestringName of person, optional.
contactphonestringPhone number of person, optional.
emailstringEmail address.
isruralstringIs the address a rural delivery address.
notruralstringOverride and declared as not rural.
costcentrestringCost centre to use.
statusobjectCurrent status of the order
productsobjectArray of line products on order
customField1ValuestringCustom Field 1 Value in the order.
customField2ValuestringCustom Field 2 Value in the order.
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