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This method is used to create new shipments.

There are 2 pre-conditions that need to be considered before calling this method.

  1. Does your workflow require you to display/calculate the freight costs and options prior to creating the shipment?
  2. Does your workflow already know which carrier is to be used for creating the shipment?

1. Display/Calculate rates first

In this scenario, you need to call the POST api/rates endpoint first to resolve the different price options you may have. Every option is accompanied by a QuoteId which needs to be retain to be used with the create shipment method.

2. Create by Carrier Name and service

In this scenario, you won't know the cost of the freight for the shipment till after the shipment is created. You will request the shipment to be used by specifying the carrier name, and service.

Printing - if the accesskey has an associated printer setup, the print job is activated by default. This can be turned off by specifying PrintToPrinter="false"_


  • Method: POST
  • Content Type: application/json
  • URL:


  • access_key : your unqiue api key provided by GSS.
  • site_id : which site you are requesting action for.


You need to extend the POST api/rates post body to include other fields specified below.

When QuoteId is supplied, the carrier and service fields are ignored. They should be used in exclusive pattern.

QuoteIdstringUnique quote identifier returned on the POST api/rates endpoint query.
CarrierstringName of the carrier to use for the shipment. You can query the POST api/availableservices endpoint to find the valid carrier names. You can also pass '*' to choose the cheapest of any carrier.
ServicestringCarrier service name, for which the shipment should be created for. If not supplied, the cheapest price option is selected.
originobjectLeave blank when using site address, or provide one for freight forwards (Contact Model).
destinationobjectRecepient address details (Contact Model).
packagesobject listArray of package sizes (Rate Package Model).
issaturdaydeliverybooleanIs saturday delivery required.
issignaturerequiredbooleanIs signature on delivery required.
dutiesandtaxesbyreceiverbooleanWhere duties are due, is the receiver paying for these.
deliveryreferencestringOrder reference, max length is 50.
commoditiesobject listCustoms declared commoditiy information. Only required for international shipments.
printtoprinterstringUse "true" to send a print request to your default printer. "false" indicates no printing is required. You can also put a printer name here and the print request would be sent directly to that printer.
CustomField1ValuestringValue of "Custom field 1" in Site Settingsopen in new window, only able to take the value when "Custom Field 1 Enabled" under "Internal References" is checked. Will response error when "Custom Field 1 Mandatory" is checked and the field is missing.
CustomField2ValuestringValue of "Custom field 2" in Site Settingsopen in new window, only able to take the value when "Custom Field 2 Enabled" under "Internal References" is checked. Will response error when "Custom Field 2 Mandatory" is checked and the field is missing.
outputsstring listoptional - JSON string list. Returns output of label as a PNG or PDF. Acceptable value are Print Output Formats.
hasdgbooleanTrue or false - does your shipment contain any dangerous goods.
dangerousgoodsobjectJSON object of dangerous goods.
RecipientTaxIdstringOptional, Goods shipped into or transiting through certain countries will need to have this value.
IncludeInsurancebooleanTrue or false - Optionally add additional insurance cover for international shipments if applicable. Will use total declared value as insurance value.
DeclarationTypestringOptional, Type of item being sent for custom's use. Declaration options include merchandise, documents, gift, returned, sample. Merchandise will be used as default if not provided.

Return format

A JSON object with the created shipment details.


carrierstringInternal system carrier identifier.
carriernamestringCourier provider name.
isfreightforwardbooleanIs shipment a freight forward shipment.
messagestringAction outcome message.
errorsstring listList of error messages.
siteidintegerAccount site id.
consignmentsobject listJSON object arrary or consignments created. Generally only 1 is created, however were a split is required, more could be created (Consignment Model)

Request example

1. Domestic Outbound Shipment

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'access_key;' \
--header 'site_id;' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "Origin": null,
    "Destination": {
        "Name": "DestinationName",
        "Address": {
            "BuildingName": "",
            "StreetAddress": "DestinationStreetAddress",
            "Suburb": "Avonside",
            "City": "Christchurch",
            "PostCode": "8061",
            "CountryCode": "NZ"
        "Email": "",
        "ContactPerson": "DestinationContact",
        "PhoneNumber": "123456789",
        "IsRural": false,
        "DeliveryInstructions": "Desinationdeliveryinstructions",
        "SendTrackingEmail": false,
        "ExplicitNotRural": false
    "Packages": [
            "Name": "GSS-DLE SATCHEL",
            "Length": 1,
            "Width": 10,
            "Height": 1,
            "Kg": 0.1,
    "Commodities": null,
    "IsSaturdayDelivery": false,
    "IsSignatureRequired": true,
    "IsUrgentCouriers": false,
    "DutiesAndTaxesByReceiver": false,
    "DeliveryReference": "ORDER123",
    "PrintToPrinter": "false",
    "Carrier": "Post Haste"

2. Domestic Outbound Shipment with Dangerous Goods

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'access_key;' \
--header 'site_id;' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "Origin": null,
    "Destination": {
        "Id": 0,
        "Name": "DestinationName",
        "Address": {
            "BuildingName": "",
            "StreetAddress": "DestinationStreetAddress",
            "Suburb": "Avonside",
            "City": "Christchurch",
            "PostCode": "8061",
            "CountryCode": "NZ"
        "Email": "",
        "ContactPerson": "DestinationContact",
        "PhoneNumber": "123456789",
        "IsRural": false,
        "DeliveryInstructions": "Desinationdeliveryinstructions",
        "SendTrackingEmail": false,
        "CostCentreId": 0,
        "ExplicitNotRural": false
    "Packages": [
            "Id": 0,
            "Name": "GSS-DLE SATCHEL",
            "Length": 1,
            "Width": 10,
            "Height": 1,
            "Kg": 0.1
    "Commodities": null,
    "IsSaturdayDelivery": false,
    "IsSignatureRequired": true,
    "IsUrgentCouriers": false,
    "DutiesAndTaxesByReceiver": false,
    "RuralOverride": false,
    "DeliveryReference": "ORDER123",
    "PrintToPrinter": "false",
    "Outputs": [
    "CarrierId": 0,
    "Carrier": "Post Haste",
    "Service": null,
    "SiteId": 0,
    "IncludeLineDetails": false,
    "ShipType": 1,
    "HasDG": true,
    "DangerousGoods": {
        "AdditionalHandlingInfo": "Some info",
        "HazchemCode": "HC",
        "IsRadioActive": false,
        "CargoAircraftOnly": false,
        "LineItems": [
                "ConsignmentId": 0,
                "Description": "desc",
                "ClassOrDivision": "class",
                "UNorIDNo": "",
                "PackingGroup": "",
                "SubsidaryRisk": "",
                "Packing": "",
                "PackingInstr": "",
                "Authorization": ""
    "DisableFreightForwardEmails": false

3. International Outbound Shipment

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'access_key: Your API Access Key' \
--header 'site_id: Your Site ID' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "Origin": null,
    "Destination": {
        "Name": "DestinationName",
        "Address": {
            "BuildingName": "",
            "StreetAddress": "8 Althea Clos",
            "Suburb": "Sinnamon Park",
            "City": "Queensland",
            "PostCode": "4073",
            "CountryCode": "AU"
        "Email": "",
        "ContactPerson": "DestinationContact",
        "PhoneNumber": "123456789",
        "IsRural": false,
        "DeliveryInstructions": "Desinationdeliveryinstructions",
        "SendTrackingEmail": false,
        "ExplicitNotRural": false
    "Packages": [
            "Name": "GSS-DLE SATCHEL",
            "Length": 10,
            "Width": 10,
            "Height": 10,
            "Kg": 1
    "Commodities": [
    "IsSaturdayDelivery": false,
    "IsSignatureRequired": true,
    "IsUrgentCouriers": false,
    "DutiesAndTaxesByReceiver": false,
    "DeliveryReference": "ORDER123",
    "PrintToPrinter": "false",
    "Carrier": "FedEx",
    "IncludeInsurance": true,
    "DeclarationType": "GIFT"

Response example

1. Domestic Outbound Shipment

  "CarrierId": 102,
  "CarrierName": "Post Haste",
  "IsFreightForward": false,
  "IsOvernight": false,
  "IsResidential": true,
  "IsSaturdayDelivery": false,
  "IsRural": false,
  "HasTrackPaks": false,
  "Message": "Connote created and print queued.",
  "AddressLabelMessage": null,
  "AddressLabelError": null,
  "Errors": [],
  "SiteId": 4180,
  "Consignments": [
      "Connote": "SSPOT018667",
      "TrackingUrl": "",
      "Cost": 4.07,
      "CarrierType": 13,
      "IsSaturdayDelivery": false,
      "IsRural": false,
      "IsOvernight": false,
      "IsResidential": true,
      "HasTrackPaks": false,
      "ConsignmentId": 6215942,
      "OutputFiles": null,
      "Items": null
  "Downloads": [],
  "CarrierType": 13,
  "AlertPath": null,
  "Notifications": [],
  "HasSaturdayDeliveryLabel": false

2. Domestic Outbound Shipment with Dangerous Goods

  "CarrierId": 102,
  "CarrierName": "Post Haste",
  "IsFreightForward": false,
  "IsOvernight": false,
  "IsResidential": true,
  "IsSaturdayDelivery": false,
  "IsRural": false,
  "HasTrackPaks": false,
  "Message": "Connote created and print queued.",
  "AddressLabelMessage": null,
  "AddressLabelError": null,
  "Errors": [],
  "SiteId": 4180,
  "Consignments": [
      "Connote": "SSPOT018668",
      "TrackingUrl": "",
      "Cost": 4.07,
      "CarrierType": 13,
      "IsSaturdayDelivery": false,
      "IsRural": false,
      "IsOvernight": false,
      "IsResidential": true,
      "HasTrackPaks": false,
      "ConsignmentId": 6215944,
      "OutputFiles": {
        "DG_FORM_PDF": [
      "Items": null
  "Downloads": [],
  "CarrierType": 13,
  "AlertPath": null,
  "Notifications": [],
  "HasSaturdayDeliveryLabel": false

3. International Outbound Shipment

  "CarrierId": 96,
  "CarrierName": "FedEx",
  "IsFreightForward": false,
  "IsOvernight": false,
  "IsSaturdayDelivery": false,
  "IsRural": false,
  "IsResidential": false,
  "HasTrackPaks": false,
  "Message": "Connote created and print queued.",
  "AddressLabelMessage": null,
  "AddressLabelError": null,
  "Errors": [],
  "SiteId": 1234567,
  "IncludePackingSlip": false,
  "Consignments": [
      "Connote": "ABCDEFG",
      "TrackingUrl": "",
      "Cost": 0,
      "CarrierType": 4,
      "IsSaturdayDelivery": false,
      "IsRural": false,
      "IsOvernight": false,
      "IsResidential": false,
      "HasTrackPaks": false,
      "ConsignmentId": 99999999,
      "OutputFiles": null,
      "Items": null
  "Downloads": [],
  "CarrierType": 4,
  "AlertPath": null,
  "Notifications": [],
  "HasSaturdayDeliveryLabel": false,
  "SentToPrinter": null,
  "ExternalLinksToOpen": [],
  "CustomField1Value": null,
  "CustomField2Value": null
Last update: